Nature Connection

JT Community Giving sponsored this project led by Nature Base in collaboration with Jack Searson films. We explored Nature Connection in Jersey; the well-being benefits, and how this can positively impact our mental health; for adults, children and young people. Boosting mood, reducing stress, fostering creativity, and providing play opportunities; nature has a way of nurturing us like nothing else can.

Nature for Children and Young People

For centuries, education theorists have highlighted the benefits of young children ‘Being in Nature’ for Holistic Child Development opportunities; Play in woodland and natural settings provides risk, challenges, and adventure; The diversity of stimuli is always changing, it’s like a brand-new adventure every visit. This type of Risky Play introduces excitement and challenge for children to test their skills and try new activities, gain mastery and a sense of accomplishment, helping them to face new challenges, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.

Playing in mud/soil exposes children and adults to friendly bacteria that scientists have found to affect the brain in a similar way to antidepressants by increasing serotonin levels. The effects of this include; increasing self-regulation and boosting mood for children and adults; supporting emotional well-being; which can be particular helpful for children with additional needs.

Providing a space and place for play opportunities; Play is a crucial dynamic of healthy physical, intellectual, and social-emotional development at all ages. Children who play regularly in natural environments show more advanced motor skills including coordination, balance, and agility. Children who play in green outdoor areas are found to develop more diverse microbes on their skin and in their guts, leading to higher immunity against illness.

Belonging and Community; Children who play together in nature have more positive feelings about each other, creating a sense of deep connection, to other children, their family member, the wider community and even the world!

Nature connectedness is found to reduce rumination (going over negative thoughts or situations repeatedly in your mind) and simply being near a green space lowers stress and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Nature provides a place to be still, mindful and take in the atmosphere. A woodland setting can naturally create hidden spaces, to give a sense of retreat.

A state of flow: Nature Base sessions often create lengthily periods; where the children will have the freedom to play and explore the area and activities in a self-directed way. The workshops and Eco-therapy sessions provide time and space for creativity to thrive for adults and children. This encourages a state of flow for all of us to enter into; which is good for our brain development in reducing stress and anxiety.